# As job

# Method provided

Lists all methods provided by the trait.

# dispatch

Dispatches a job asynchronously.


# dispatchIf

Dispatches a job asynchronously if the condition is met.

SendTeamReportEmail::dispatchIf($team->plan === 'premium', $team);

# dispatchUnless

Dispatches a job asynchronously unless the condition is met.

SendTeamReportEmail::dispatchUnless($team->plan === 'free', $team);

# dispatchSync

Dispatches a job synchronously.


# dispatchNow

Dispatches a job synchronously. (Alias of dispatchSync).


# dispatchAfterResponse

Dispatches a job synchronously but only after the response was sent to the user.

# makeJob

Creates a new JobDecorator that wraps the action. This can be used to dispatch a job using dispatch helper method or when creating a chain of jobs from actions (See withChain).


# makeUniqueJob

Creates a new UniqueJobDecorator that wraps the action. By default, makeJob will automatically return a UniqueJobDecorator if your action implements the ShouldBeUnique trait. However, you may use this method directly to force a UniqueJobDecorator to be created.


# withChain

Attaches a list of jobs to be executed after the job was processed.

$chain = [


Note that you can achieve the same result by using the chain method on the Bus Facade.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Bus;


# assertPushed

Asserts the action was dispatched.

// Requires the Queue Facade to be fake.

// Assert the job was dispatched.

// Assert the job was dispatched 3 times.

// Assert a job that satisfies the given callback was dispatched.

// Assert a job that satisfies the given callback was dispatched 3 times.
SendTeamReportEmail::assertPushed(3, $callback);

The callback will receive the following four arguments:

  1. The action itself. Here it would be an instance of SendTeamReportEmail.
  2. The job's arguments. That is, the arguments you provided when calling SendTeamReportEmail::dispatch(...).
  3. The JobDecorator that decorates your action.
  4. The name of the queue that was used.

# assertNotPushed

Asserts the action was not dispatched. See assertPushed for the callback arguments.

// Requires the Queue Facade to be fake.

// Assert the job was not dispatched.

// Assert a job that satisfies the given callback was not dispatched.

# assertPushedOn

Asserts the action was dispatched on a given queue. See assertPushed for the callback arguments.

// Requires the Queue Facade to be fake.

// Assert the job was dispatched on the 'reports' queue.

// Assert the job was dispatched on the 'reports' queue 3 times.
SendTeamReportEmail::assertPushedOn('reports', 3);

// Assert a job that satisfies the given callback was dispatched on the 'reports' queue.
SendTeamReportEmail::assertPushedOn('reports', $callback);

// Assert a job that satisfies the given callback was dispatched on the 'reports' queue 3 times.
SendTeamReportEmail::assertPushedOn('reports', 3, $callback);

# Method used

Lists all methods and properties recognised and used by the JobDecorator.

# asJob

Called when dispatched as a job. Uses the handle method directly when no asJob method exists.

class SendTeamReportEmail
    use AsAction;

    public function handle(Team $team, bool $fullReport = false): void
        // Prepare report and send it to all $team->users.

    public function asJob(Team $team): void
        $this->handle($team, true);

# getJobMiddleware

Adds job middleware directly in the action.

public function getJobMiddleware(): array
    return [new RateLimited('reports')];

# configureJob

Defines the JobDecorators's option directly in the action.

use Lorisleiva\Actions\Decorators\JobDecorator;

public function configureJob(JobDecorator $job): void

# $jobConnection

Defines the connection of the JobDecorator. Can also be set using configureJob.

public string $jobConnection = 'my_connection';

# $jobQueue

Defines the queue of the JobDecorator. Can also be set using configureJob.

public string $jobQueue = 'my_queue';

# getJobDisplayName

Customises the display name of the JobDecorator. It provides the same arguments as the asJob method.

public function getJobDisplayName(): string
    return 'Send team report email';

# getJobTags

Adds some tags to the JobDecorator. It provides the same arguments as the asJob method.

public function getJobTags(Team $team): array
    return ['report', 'team:'.$team->id];

# getJobUniqueId

Defines the unique key when using the ShouldBeUnique interface. It provides the same arguments as the asJob method.

public function getJobUniqueId(Team $team)
    return $this->team->id;

# $jobUniqueId

Same as getJobUniqueId but as a property.

public string $jobUniqueId = 'some_static_key';

# getJobUniqueFor

Define the amount of time in which a job should stay unique when using the ShouldBeUnique interface. It provides the same arguments as the asJob method.

public function getJobUniqueFor(Team $team)
    return $this->team->role === 'premium' ? 1800 : 3600;

# $jobUniqueFor

Same as getJobUniqueFor but as a property.

public int $jobUniqueFor = 3600;

# getJobUniqueVia

Defines the cache driver to use to obtain the lock and therefore maintain the unicity of the jobs being dispatched. Defaults to: the default cache driver.

public function getJobUniqueVia()
    return Cache::driver('redis');